MAN Commercial Protection is a familiar name on the events circuit, in particular you might recognise our brand for being the official security partner to Frank Warren’s Queensberry promotions boxing shows. Working with the world-famous boxing promoter for 28 years, MAN Commercial are trusted first choice for high-profile shows at large capacity venues across the country.
So who is the team wearing the red jackets, and what does it take to deliver world-class security services at a 60,000- capacity boxing event?
Events Manager Scott Broadway gives us the inside track on his day running the Fury v Chisora fight at London’s Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, where MAN Commercial provided 227 security personnel.
Build – Up
“The planning for an event like Fury v Chisora starts weeks, months in advance,” says Scott. “As soon as the date and venue are confirmed, MAN Commercial are heavily involved in the planning with the promoter, venue and their safety teams.”
Scott and MAN Commercial CEO Iain McCallister attended several planning meetings before the big day, with the final instructions being shared at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium 3 days before the fight.
“The preparations have to start early behind the scenes for MAN as well,” Scott shares, “We need a huge team for these kind of occasions so l started organising the officers and stewards a couple of months prior. Then uniform needs to be ordered, and with this event being fully outdoors bespoke waterproof rain jackets, hats and umbrellas needed to be ordered.”
Event Day
Its an early start for Scott on Event day, setting up the signing-in area is first job. This is where all officers can report to, sign-in, received their health and safety briefing and any additional uniform. “We are always checking that everyone is wearing their correct uniform and looking smart – representing our brand correctly is essential,” says Scott. “I then brief the supervisors and all officers on the essential information on the day and the running order – who, what, where, when. Officers need to know which tickets and passes allow spectators into which areas. I then split the officers into teams and allocate them their areas.”
A show-stop procedure is then agreed with the promoter or whoever is in charge of the venue. All safety officers are made aware and a plan is put in place in case of an emergency evacuation.
As the man in charge, Scott then completes a through walk-around of the entire venue, making sure everyone is where they should be and all supervisors are in place. At Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, our teams were allocated to the fighters walkway, VIP areas, ringside and access control.
When the event opens to the public, Scott spends the time fire-fighting, “I am on my radio and attend any incidents that occur that the team need assistance with – these could be ticking issues, seating disputes, people trying to access areas they don’t have permission to be in – it can get really hectic!”
At Fury v Chisora, MAN Commercial CEO Iain McCallister was on hand as ‘MAN1’, heading up the team and supporting Frank Warren, his team, and the highest-profile fighters. Scott is focused on rapid response, and completes a ringside ‘sweep’ before the event begins, ensuring all security is in the right place, as well as all authorised TV crew and personnel.
Supervisors Dene and Karl headed up the VIP, hospitality and backstage areas, along with a team of ushers.
“When the show starts, 40 staff are placed at inner ringside, and 10 allocated to ringwalks. A team are always on hand, on the steps and walkway,” says Scott, “At the end of each fight, security step up to the corner posts to ensure crowd safety and prepare to escort the fighters back to their dressing rooms.”
As the long day draws to an end, security carry out a full perimeter as the venue empties out, a team stay behind to complete a press conference backstage; the team are always last to leave after all members of the public have made a safe exit.
“The team always really enjoy event days, it’s an amazing experience and we have brilliant team camaraderie. Our Event Team are second to none, a really great group,” says Scott.
To find out more about our Event Security solutions, or how we could help your business or event, please email get in touch today.