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MAN Commercial Protection Ltd at awards show
May News

The 1st May marked the takeover of two new sites for MAN Commercial, in Oxfordshire and Birmingham, keeping up our run of new contracts starting every month this year. We were also awarded contracts due to begin in June and July, so we have begun the TUPE transfer and mobilisation processes with teams across Coventry, Walsall and the North West. To support our continued growth we have also welcomed a new National Contract Manager to our team, who is enjoying learning the ropes the MAN Commercial way!acspacesetters.png

In May we also ran an intensive Aviation Training Course for a number of our officers at our Head Office Training Centre. This course is to develop our security staff who handle airside packages,  and we were proud to achieve a 100% pass rate across the officers who trained.  We have also enrolled further staff onto Apprenticeships schemes in Team Leader, Security Manager and Customer Service qualifications.


We have been honoured and privileged this month on behalf of one of our officers Allan, who was awarded an ACS Pacesetters Officer of Distinction Award. These awards celebrate Security Officers across the UK who have performed outstanding acts or offered  exemplary service whilst working in their everyday roles. Allan was nominated by one of our clients, who send an extraordinary letter of recommendation for Allan, which had gathered over 30 signatures.

Allan and members of our Management Team headed to Windsor Racecourse for the Annual ACS presentation where a fantastic day was had by all. We also picked up the Company Pacesetters Award, which we were all delighted with.

As the Summer draws closer our already-busy events calendar is filling up, in May alone we provided services at the Rolling Stones concert in Coventry, Glastonbudget Festival, Lionel Richie shows, Championship Tennis and the World Championship Boxing at Elland Road.