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June News

MAN Commercial covered the Isle of Wight festival in June along with shows in Gloucester, Exeter, Manchester, Bristol, Blenheim palace Oxford, Cardiff and Birmingham. These shows were for both Music and Athletics.

June News

MAN Commercial covered the Isle of Wight festival in June along with shows in Gloucester, Exeter, Manchester, Bristol, Blenheim Palace near Oxford, Cardiff and Birmingham. These shows were for both Music and Athletics.bp.jpg

On the boxing side we covered two back to back nights at the York Hall London and The Echo Arena show in Liverpool all live on Boxnation TV during the month of June.

lea.jpgWe completed our BS 50001 Audit for ESOS and commenced a new guarding contract in the city of London and another in Coventry. We provided teams for two prestigious events at Warwick University and have further guarding contracts secured for September start.